Energy fields
Energy fields. Chakras are the energy centres of our body and means wheel in Sanskrit. Chakras got that name because they look like a kind of energetic funnel, as if a wheel is turning around.
Energy fields. Chakras are the energy centres of our body and means wheel in Sanskrit.
Chakras got that name because they look like a kind of energetic funnel, as if a wheel is turning around. Chakras have everything to do with the way the energy flows through our bodies. There are many points where the energy comes together, but seven of them are most known. These seven chakras are from bottom to top.
-Base or Root Chakra:
This chakra is called Muladhara in Sanskrit and is located at the coccyx. The root chakra provides the link between man and earth, and from this chakra the foundation is laid between body, earth and how the world is moving.
-Sacral Chakra:
This is Svadhisthana chakra in Sanskrit and is connected to the sexual glands, genitals, sacral bone, uterus, kidney, pelvic area, blood circulation, bladder and water management through the body. Someone whose chakra is open, has a healthy sex life.
-Solar Plexus Chakra:
This chakra is called Manipura in Sanskrit. With yoga the solar plexus is the main place where you store the energy in the body. It is associated with the muscular system, and the digestive system, and has a great influence on the operation of the lower body. When this chakra is well developed you stimulate the formation of the I-feeling very strong, but when this chakra is charged too much it can lead to tyranny, exaggerated ambitions and jealousy. Having a lack of this chakra will make you suffer from insecurity and self-pity.
-Heart Chakra:
In Sanskrit, this chakra is called Anahata chakra. It connects the lower three chakras with the top three and the energetic centre of compassion, love, security and humanity. The heart chakra controls the operation of the heart, the lungs and breathing. A disruption of this chakra often shows up in the form of breathing difficulties and / or heart problems.
-Throat Chakra:
The throat chakra is also called Visuddha and moulds the sound and speech centre in our body and thereby helps in the development of word awareness. The throat chakra connects the heart centre with the third eye chakra, so it is in between feeling and thinking.
-Third Eye Chakra:
This chakra that provides attention and consciousness is called Ajna in Sanskrit. When the life energy is collected in this chakra and blockages removed, it is possible to
reach a higher consciousness. Shakti Hakini (an androgynous deity) is an important symbol of this chakra because it represents both feminine and masculine aspects. The Third Eye is essential for health because they affect the functioning of the endocrine glands.
-Crown Chakra: The crown chakra is also called Sahasrara. This chakra is associated with spirituality and enlightenment and has to do with the pursuit of higher states of consciousness. The energy of the crown chakra may also lead to a person reaching the Mahatma, which means Great Soul. The sahasrara works on the entire organism.
Here at Clairvoyant available you can also find Chakra healers.