Golden rules

Golden rules for a nice and fulfilling relationship. We all dream about relationships and we see the picture in our head of a wonderful fulfilling life

together with the one we love. But how do you keep your relationship healthy and fulfilling? Are there rules for, to use, so both will and stay happy in the marriage. Yes there are golden rules for it and if both work together, you can stay together. It will not implicate that you both will get old together, but you did the best you could.

What are the 12 golden rules

1. Interacting from both sides. Don’t take the love for granted. Every day reflect by yourself and with you partner.

2. Dare to say anything to your partner. If you don’t do that and you do it with a good friend, something is wrong in your relationship. You are not worth the relation. So talk about everything. Dare to criticize and see the message behind it.

3. Be a part of the relationship. Not the one who earns the money. You have to make a success of it together.

4. Don’t live in the past, or the future. You live no and don’t be afraid of what can happen. Make it happen. And if you are angry about something your partner did in the past. Let it go. You yourself make the choice to go on.

5. You are two different persons, with there own view on life. Respect that. And when the other do something in your eyes that is not OK. Discuss about it. That is what need to be done.

6. Having a different opinion is OK. Just tell why your opinion is different. Explain, but not arguing about it. Your way, is your way and your partner has his way. I can’t tell you what is good for you. The only one who knows that is you.

7. Don’t start solving the problems of your partner. He is an adult. He has lessons to learn. So has you. If you do it yourself, you will feel proud. You are not the mother of the father, you are a partner.

8. Don’t lean to much on the other his shoulder. You are not a child. Focus on your own life and do the things that make you happy. So you will stay happy in the relationship.

9. Observe the behavior of your partner. Do you notice something different, say it without fear. You have to know what is wrong. Listen to the other, give him space for his feelings. Give it time.

10. Accept that you are different and you do it your own way. Most relationships ends because one of the two wants to change the other. It does not work. If it is so, you make the choice for the person how he or she is. You have to accept that.

11. Make time for each other. We all have a busy schedule, but we also have each other. If you love the other and you want to make something of the relationship, make it a priority in your schedule.

12. Communicate. Every day about what you feel, what you like and don’t like. Both of you. So you get to know each other and can grow to unconditional love.

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