Heartache and grief

We can be so incredibly sad as humans. And that is often caused by heartache. You have been deeply touched in your heart, that may be because of the loss of a loved one, a divorce or that your trust has been damaged. If you love the other person incredibly, it can hurt your heart.

There are people whose heart hurts so much that they die from it. It is a pain that cannot be described with a pen. Not to express in words. It is a pain that often persists for a long time and we are immersed in mourning for a long time. Getting over it is almost impossible. We still have to continue, but we will never be the old again.

There will always be a lack, there will be memories of what once was every day. The pain may wear somewhat, but it will flare up again due to the slightest or slightest. a single sentence can already take care of that.

That we close ourselves to love when there is heartache, is a given. We cannot allow love, not even to ourselves. so heartache is also a form of love at its core, only this form hurts a lot.

Heartache burns in your eyes, forms a large lump in your throat, tears that continue to flow and you do not know where. You don’t care anymore, there is no ground under your feet. You only have contact with a few. you have to force yourself to eat and drink something, you forget yourself and the time.

If love is so deep that it hurts the heart, we can speak of true love. It is a stream of pain that cannot be comprehended and that continues continuously. Often after a very intense period you have changed. You go differently in life. You slowly rise to your feet and there are days when you will completely retreat. You can no longer cope with life, your heart has been torn from your body.

Who can you go to, at a given moment you no longer dare to speak to other loved ones about it. Turn to spiritual counselors that you can find at Mastermedium. They offer you a loving listening ear every time. Without blame, without protest.

The lump in your throat says, I can’t talk about it and yet, talking is one of the better medicines to get rid of heartache. For that reason it is necessary to turn to a professional for whom you do not have to leave the house. The spiritual world is ideal for that.

They can often also communicate with a deceased person. They can see if the person who has left you is faring. They can offer you comfort, they can offer you attention and you decide when you need it.

Step by step you will be able to reconnect with your own heart. You can occasionally see the sun shine again. Even though they are very small steps, you are starting to become somewhat human again.

And yes, the pain will never disappear completely, but the beautiful and happy memories take their place. Occasionally a smile appears on your face again. You can allow people into your life again. you move among the people again. the other is in your heart, only the pain is softer.

Take the time you need for this process, but try to take steps forward. Although it seems that your life has also come to an end, every person possesses a primal force to be able to recover. You own it too.