It is OK to make mistakes in life
We find it very difficult to make mistakes. Certainly if someone else is aware of it. We experience an error within ourselves as a deviation from ourselves. We are afraid of being rejected by someone else, so we want to do everything perfectly. Someone else has managed to do everything perfectly in his life and you will not succeed either.
We are human and for that reason we are allowed to make mistakes. Man only, he thinks it is terrible if he does something wrong. Days of self-torment can follow, full of blame directed towards ourselves. We make ourselves small, invisible and we would prefer to disappear from the globe for a few days, until we have the guts to resume our lives.
It is strange that people react so allergically to an error. That a person hurts himself so much when confronted with a mistake. Where you still have to ask yourself if there is indeed a mistake. Because what is wrong now? Did you do it consciously? No, the other person says firmly, of course not. Then let it go, laugh at it, so that you discharge, feel the negative emotions flow out of your body and you feel no need to dive away.
Only recently a client chat with me on Mastermedium, she hit herself around, she had made such a big mistake and yes the consequences were disastrous and now, now she wanted to know from me if it would all turn out okay.
She had put an end to a relationship out of frustration. She had given her unsalted opinion to the other, which was all that was wrong with the other in her eyes and there was no response. She was now completely in bag and ashes, because, yes, she really did not want to give him the punch at all, and she is so sorry and is he going to let anything be heard? Is he coming back? Will it be okay again?
Will it still be alright? If I am very honest, it has never been good so far. Oh no, the client said startled. No, I said, because if it had been good, you wouldn’t have made this mistake, you would never have let yourself do this. Somewhere deep within you there was that need and if everything had been good, you would not have had that need.
She understood my explanation, but of course she was not reassured, because she still didn’t know if he would return. I could reassure her in that. That will happen again, but also understand what it has brought to him, your unsalted opinion. How would you like that and how would you feel if you were put aside? Yes, you are right, the client said.
Somehow the human changes when he makes a mistake, then all ratio is gone, we see only the negative and the bad. While it is just so beautiful what she has done. That she didn’t do it the right way and although much too late, that is true. But a person is a person and can make mistakes, because we learn from making mistakes. We don’t make mistakes, we stand still and we become dissatisfied.
She understood the message very well, she realized that she should have vented her grievances much earlier and that she would have brought them differently, much lighter. That it is she herself, who does not dare to say to the other person what is and is not nice and feels good for her and that she has been in the relationship as a little frightened girl, but hoping that he would like her and would stay.
She was overjoyed with the answers and the insights, she felt the regret flow from her body and with her head raised and her back straight, she started to look forward to the time. As humans, we don’t make mistakes on purpose, we see that afterwards. We see that what we have done had to do in order to grow as a person. After that we laugh about our mistakes.